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Serving the outdoor advertising needs of San Joaquin Valley

San Joaquin Valley landscape

With an Out of Home advertising inventory of more than 500 locations, Lamar of San Joaquin Valley’s interstate coverage spans Kings County to the Oregon border. Our office covers a large portion of California, from the Central Valley and main metropolitan areas of Fresno, to highways leading up to Sacramento. We offer rural and metro outdoor advertising coverage in the Fresno and Sacramento markets, as well as on main routes to Lake Tahoe and Yosemite National Park.

The San Joaquin Valley is a diverse region located in the heart of California, stretching from the southern foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains to the coastal ranges west of the San Francisco Bay Area. The region is home to a variety of industries including agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism, and boasts large Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander populations. The San Joaquin Valley is also a popular destination for military personnel and their families.

The culture of San Joaquin Valley is reflected in the many festivals and events such as the Fresno Fair, the Visalia Country Music Festival, and the Stockton Asparagus Festival. The region is also home to a number of museums and cultural centers including the Fresno Art Museum, the Visalia Fox Theatre, and the Stockton Symphony.

Lamar of San Joaquin Valley is the leading provider of outdoor advertising in the region. With a diverse inventory of billboards, digital displays, and transit advertising (in the areas of Fresno, Clovis, Stockton, Manteca and Turlock), Lamar can help your business reach your target audience wherever they are.

San Joaquin Valley Billboard Office
3737 Alken Street, Bakersfield, CA 93308
San Joaquin Valley Transit Advertising Office
4746 West Jennifer Ave. Suite 103, Fresno, CA 93722