Programmatic Policies
Lamar Advertising supports the First Amendment right of advertisers to promote legal products and services. We also advocate the use of our medium for political, editorial, public service and other noncommercial messages. We believe it is in the best interest of our Company and the communities we serve to accept advertising copy openly, subject only to requirements imposed by law and reasonable standards of fairness and decency. Lamar will not accept or reject copy based upon agreement or disagreement with the views presented.
Lamar reserves the right to reject advertising copy for any reason, but rejects copy for the following specific reasons:
- The copy is factually inaccurate, misleading, fraudulent or deceptive.
- The copy is obscene, offensive or otherwise inconsistent with local community standards.
- The copy promotes an illegal activity.
- Advertisers who have a paern of using provocative and critical copy to create negative impressions of other entities may be barred from posting copy.
Lamar pledges to communicate the reason for any rejection of advertising copy and will work with advertisers to achieve acceptable copy if the originally submitted copy is not accepted.
ALL submissions which contain negative references concerning religion, human rights, nationality (i.e. Israeli-Palestinian or Turkish-Armenian), abortion or similar subjects must be submied to the Executive Vice President of Governmental Relations for consideration before any decision on acceptance or rejection may be made.
Lamar will accept copy for adult-oriented and sexually-oriented businesses (SOBs), with a more specific set of location-based guidelines.
For copy determined to be sensitive but acceptable by Lamar, the identity of the advertiser must be clearly stated in an easily readable disclaimer with leers sized to at least 6% of the shortest dimension of the advertising space. For copy that is not sensitive but still requires a disclaimer, a sufficient size for text is 3% of the height of the shortest dimension of the advertising space.
Text addresses are acceptable in billboard copy but should include an additional statement such as “Please do not text while driving.” QR codes may not be displayed on billboards, but are acceptable for transit advertising, airport advertising or street-level media.
QR codes should not exceed 15" x 15" on transit products visible by moving traffic.
When a website address is contained in advertising copy, the content of the website will be considered in Lamar’s process of deciding whether the copy is acceptable.
Restrictions & Policies
Cannabis Ads
Private Marketplace (PMP) Deals Only
Advertisements for cannabis must not contain:
- copy that appeals to minors
- slang words like “weed” or “pot”
- Images of the cannabis plant, leaf, or any derivation of the cannabis plant, including smokable, edible, or drinkable products nor paraphernalia used to consume these products
- claims implying health or therapeutic benefits
- copy that encourages transporting cannabis across state lines
Disclaimers may be required in select markets.
All cannabis copy must be approved by Lamar and may be subject to approval by local authorities.
Cannabis advertisements may not be displayed in exclusionary zones.
Lamar’s local General Manager, in consultation with the Regional Manager, will decide which areas within their market are appropriate for adult-oriented ads. Local managers audit their coverage based on location and lease agreements to accept advertising of this nature, and also follow the OAAA guidelines on exclusionary zones that prohibit stationary advertisements of products illegal for sale to minors that are intended to be read from, at least 500 feet of, elementary and secondary schools, public playgrounds, and established places of worship.
Vape & E-Cigarette
Private Marketplace (PMP) Deals Only
Vape/e-cigarette ads must not contain:
- copy that appeals to minors
- sexualization
- images of edible or drinkable products or paraphernalia, including, but not limited to, smoking devices
- claims implying health or therapeutic benefits
There may not be a concentration of vape ads in any specific location.
Vape/e-cigarette advertisements may not be displayed in exclusionary zones.
When advertising a nicotine product, a disclaimer must be included in the ad space, and formatted according to specific guidelines.
EXCLUSIONARY ZONES: Lamar’s local General Manager, in consultation with the Regional Manager, will decide which areas within their market are appropriate for adult-oriented ads. Local managers audit their coverage based on location and lease agreements to accept advertising of this nature, and also follow the OAAA guidelines on exclusionary zones that prohibit stationary advertisements of products illegal for sale to minors that are intended to be read from, at least 500 feet of, elementary and secondary schools, public playgrounds, and established places of worship.
Sexually-Oriented Businesses (SOBs)
Ads for sexually-oriented businesses must not contain:
- photographs or silhouettes (except tasteful head shots)
- offensive written copy
Ads for alcohol must not contain:
- Copy that appeals to minors
Private Marketplace (PMP) Deals Only
- Nonnegotiable $9 CPM (fixed or first price) to maintain political rate consistency
All creative copy & campaign coverage is subject to individual market & legal approval
Creative must be fact-based
All political copy placed through programmatic digital is considered to be sensitive copy. It must include a "Paid for By:" disclaimer in legible text with letters sized to at least 6% of the shortest dimension of the advertising space.