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Serving the outdoor advertising needs of Raleigh

Lamar of Raleigh & Durham is proud to serve the Out of Home advertising needs of Raleigh, Durham and the surrounding areas. With its coastal region known for beautiful beaches and the Research Triangle famous for technology, Raleigh is an attractive destination for quick visits or lifetime stays.
Among its annual events, the NC State Fair is a beloved tradition that lures visitors with its rides, fair food, and performances. The North Carolina Seafood Festival in Morehead City showcases the state's coastal flavors.
Raleigh is also home to educational institutions including University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University, Duke University, and East Carolina University. These institutions not only foster academic excellence but are also home to the state’s sports teams.
Raleigh hosts an array of major corporations such as IBM, GE, Caterpillar, Sara Lee, Wake Med, UNC Hospital, Duke Hospital, SAS Institute, Firestone, Perdue, and Progress Energy. The presence of these companies boosts Raleigh's status as a workforce hub, providing career opportunities and contributions to the city's economy.
Raleigh isn't just a destination; it's an immersive experience where tradition meets innovation and where North Carolina's culture unfolds in every corner of this captivating city. With an extensive network of outdoor advertising inventory, Lamar of Raleigh & Durham is here to boost your next outdoor advertising campaign.